
We believe that the key to a happy and healthy pet is preventative care. Beyond our annual exams, we recommend staying up to date on core vaccines, as well as flea, tick, and heartworm prevention year-round.

Every visit at Southpaw Vet in San Diego starts with a thorough exam of your pet, from nose to tail, in an effort to identify any possible concerns. We’ll also teach you what to look out for! At Southpaw, you, the pet parent, are an equally important part of the diagnosis and treatment of every health concern your pet may have. And with your help, we can keep your pet in tip-top shape.

Puppy & Kitten Care

Did you recently get a new puppy or kitten? What an exciting and stressful time! We’ll take the time to answer every question you may have about your new puppy or kitten, and make sure you’re prepared for this great new adventure! 

Schedule an appointment for your new puppy or kitten, and get your little one started in the right direction! We will discuss vaccine schedules, behavioral tips, and how to make sure your new family member stays safe and healthy.

Southpaw Vet also offers Puppy & Kitten Packages.

Adult & Senior Dog and Cat Care

As adult dogs and cats grow and thrive, they’ll need to come in for annual exams, vaccines, and routine diagnostics. Investing some time and attention can prevent small health concerns from becoming big problems for your dog or cat.

Once our pet enters their golden years, it’s critical to be more sensitive to their health needs. Make sure to make an appointment at least once per year for a physical exam, as well as routine monitoring diagnostics to make sure your senior pet stays in great shape and enjoys their golden years!

Pet Vaccines in San Diego

We tailor our vaccinations based on the lifestyle and age of your pet. Whether it’s core or lifestyle vaccines, we do our best to keep your pet safe and healthy. Pets can be exposed to many potential illnesses, but we immunize each patient for their individual preventative needs — and send reminders when they’re due for a vaccine or check-up.