
No one enjoys going to the dentist, and that includes your pet! But if you’re on the hunt for pet dentistry in San Diego, Southpaw Vet provides safe, top-notch pet dental care. Outside of oral hygiene and comfort, the gum line can be an avenue for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and affect organ health. As such, we offer general anesthetic dental cleaning, as well as advanced pet dental care by utilizing modern dental radiology to treat the disease above and below the gum line.

Routine Oral Health

We strongly believe that prevention is the best form of medicine. Your pet needs annual dental cleanings in order to stop oral diseases before they advance. In order for us to do our job right, we require all dental cleanings to use routine general anesthesia. Keeping your pet’s teeth clean and gums healthy is the best way to ensure your pet keeps those teeth forever.

Advanced Dental Care

It’s not uncommon that our pets’ oral health requires advanced care. So, we offer full digital radiology services to assess oral disease and to pinpoint which teeth are healthy, and which may require extraction. We cannot express how important oral hygiene is for your pets well being. If you’re in need of a pet dentist in sourthern California, get in touch!